Budget Synopsis: United Kingdom
Days in country: 66 (64 days spent at Workaways or Couchsurfing or gifted hotel rooms )
Food: $1,144.87
Lodging: $94.05
Transport: $262.17 (buses, trains, ferries)
Entrance fees: $274.23 (museums, movies, Harry Potter tour)
Souvenirs: $45.38
Other: $210.94 (underwear, medicine, haircuts, phone credit, books)
Souvenirs: $45.38
Other: $210.94 (underwear, medicine, haircuts, phone credit, books)
Subtotal: $2,031.64- $100 earned for dare completed in Glasgow
TOTAL: $1,931.64= $29.27/day for 2 people
I am pleasantly surprised with how well we did here, but that's due in large part to CS/WA and the generosity of others in terms of setting us up with lodging as gifts (hence the reason we only forked out for two nights' lodging the entire time). Transport was a bit of a chunk but we did manage to find some smoking deals and tried to stick to cheaper buses instead of trains when we could. Food is obviously what we live for and while we scoped the clearance aisles in the grocery stores we still indulged in some restaurant meals, loads of Cadbury's chocolate and a general supply of things with which to stuff our faces. I also could have cut back on all the cute underwear I bought at the discount store Primark, but where's the fun in that? Regardless, the UK on a daily budget of $30 for a couple is pretty fab although the fact that the exchange rate was an abysmal 1 pound= $1.65 didn't do us any favors.
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