Are There Huskies in Heaven?
HETTA (ENONTEKIO), FINLAND: September 3-November 14, 2013
Steve: Living and
working at the Hetta Huskies dog farm…both everything and nothing like we
thought it would be. Upon applying over a year ago we had received a 110+ page
Guide Manual that covered in detail what to expect during our stay. We knew the
hours would be long, space would be limited, only food basics would be provided
and the work would be demanding. But what the manual didn’t and couldn’t
capture was the utter frustration, delight, moments of anger and of peace,
numbingly cold fingers and toes, nighttime light displays, warm husky nuzzles
and an indescribable sense of fulfillment. That said I will do my best to
describe the past two and half months on a Finnish husky farm in the Arctic
Circle in as few words as possible…which is easier said than done.
In our last post, Leah detailed some of the day to day tasks
so I’ll try to not repeat what has already been written. I should also note
that it was probably better that I didn’t write the first post or any other
during our first month in Hetta. It would be safe to say that I was quite
miserable after having had a rough first week of training and had not yet adjusted
to the dynamics and personality quirks of all the fellow guides, Anna and Pasi
and the Hetta Huskies’ small business corporatocracy in general. However we
were starting to see signs of how we would fit into the system and the larger
picture was becoming clearer and clearer. Ergo we steeled ourselves to stay the
course and, as I sit typing and reflecting at the Helsinki airport, am
eternally grateful for the good, the bad and the furry that made an indelible
impression on our hearts forever.

Another defining aspect of the Hetta Huskies experience were
the founders/owners/head honchos Anna McCormack and Pasi Ikonen. This married
duo worked well together but had strikingly different personalities. While they
have slightly large but well-founded egos (check out their bios here) we got to know them as people and not just the bosses. First there was Anna,
the managing director and person most involved with the day-to-day operations
and running of the volunteers. A very strong and at times intimidating
personality, she brought a professionalism often unheard of in the small
business arena and incorporated elements from her previous life working at
major corporations (i.e. General Electric). Although a tough and demanding
boss, Leah and I garnered respect from her due to our work ethic and the
genuine effort we put into doing our jobs to the best of our ability; our age
and the fact that we’ve held real jobs didn’t hurt that effort either. Even
though she was the source of many a frustrating moment for ourselves and the
other guides (but really, which boss isn’t?) in time we came to know the woman
behind the spreadsheets.
She genuinely cared about every guide and made a
diligent effort to make the most of their time in Finnish Lapland, doing her
best to reward them with experiences. When she heard we were having a bit of a
rough time while at Darwin—I had just found out that my great-aunt Carmen whom
all my family was close to had passed away—she had a bottle of wine sent out us
(I don’t think the other guides know about that one!). Then while her parents
were visiting from the UK we were asked to accompany them to the spa in the
resort town of Levi; this was considered a “work day” but who wouldn’t enjoy
lovely company and an afternoon at an indoor aquatic retreat? To top it off
Anna brought us along while taking her parents to the airport at the Paris of the
North—Tromso, Norway. This ended up being a lovely excursion, complete with the
iconic Norwegian fjords, museum-hopping, an aerial tramway and even a chance to
skinny dip in the Arctic Ocean underneath the northern lights (you read it
right…check that one off the ol’ bucket list). In short we were able to get to
know the caring and lovely human being who just happened to be our boss at
Hetta Huskies. Upon leaving she mentioned that aside from just being guides we
would have been the kind of people who she would have liked to have had as
friends in a different life. I hope she knows that we consider her a friend in
this one.

There were some other tasks that, while I might not have
minded so much, were very trying for Leah. I think she’ll agree that I’m not
calling out weaknesses but vulnerabilities that come with a not-fully-recovered
emotional framework. On several occasions we had large game delivered to be
used as meat for the dogs—the first time being elk off-cuts and the second a
horse that had to be put down. While we’re both able to recognize the inherent
value and respect for life that come in not wasting an animal, it’s something
else to have to hack it up to pieces. I’ll start by saying I didn’t mind
handling and slicing away at a recently killed animal; Leah on the other hand didn’t
mind the elk so much but the horse, which was still warm, proved to hit a bit
too close to home. Without going into detail I’ll just say the bloody horse all
over the dog kitchen floor brought to mind the graphic images of Jayna’s crime
scene. She kept a straight face and maintained her professionalism but tears
came streaming out later in the day when I asked her how it went.

Leah: Eh, that was
part of it. I did hate breaking up fights, perhaps because I often seemed to be
the closest to them and therefore the first responder until others could come
running. One of the worst was toward the end at Valimaa when giant, jowly Roi
and his beefy son, Ronnie (who had snapped his chain and escaped his running
circle) ganged up on Borgi—who was still on his circle and couldn’t escape—over
a bone. The feeling that you may see an animal literally torn apart in front of
your eyes if you don’t act immediately remains indescribable; adrenaline takes
over and you throw yourself into the fray without regard for personal safety,
so great is the desire to prevent more harm from coming from the interaction.
Needless to say, having to pull a Pyranese mastiff and his massive son away
from a smaller husky was wretched and even more so when I saw Borgi’s
injuries—puncture bite wounds to his head, muzzle and near his eyes, the
largest of which looked like a gunshot wound right in the middle of his
forehead and was so deep that you could see bone.
But fights aside, I didn’t mind getting the teams ready for
quad training—that was fine. It was just that for everyone else the stress
typically abated a bit once the dogs were running but for me it only
heightened. I was concerned about not driving over the wheel dogs in the rear,
not bottoming out the quad, trying to learn the trails, paying attention to the
teams in front and back in case they needed help, keeping a steady pace,
getting the commands right, anticipating fights in line, keeping an eye out for
injuries, etc., etc. I could never just relax and watch the dogs do their thing
because I was such a knot of anxiety. I did it without complaint since it was
part of the job, but anytime someone was around who truly enjoyed going out
with the dogs I’d happily pass over the reins, assisting only with the
harnessing and other prep work before waving the teams off.

I won’t go into details, but Ted’s body was treated with the
utmost respect and Manou was thrilled to actually have a chance to learn
valuable skills and anatomy that books and lectures just can’t teach. As for
me, I somehow managed to turn off my heart and let the scientific side of my
brain take over, viewing this as an incredible, albeit intense, learning opportunity.
In retrospect I’m pretty certain I just dissociated and had an almost out of
body experience, especially when it came to the skinning process. Although I
originally would have been appalled at the idea before arriving at Hetta
Huskies, they treat their RIP dogs with a reverence redolent of the Native
Americans. While every dog’s final remains receive their own marked grave in a
patch of forest (graves are dug in the summer before the ground freezes just in
case they lose dogs over the winter), if the animal’s body can be used to teach
or if its fur can be used as a living memorial to a life well lived (in the
form of warm clothing), then so be it. I understand how that might not sit well
with some of you; I would have been in that camp a few months ago and would still
never think of doing the same with a personal pet. However, I now appreciate the
value in it, especially in such a harsh environment where nothing is wasted on
a farm that treats its animals better than any other husky farm around.

Over her week at Hetta Huskies she enthralled me with the
meanings behind dogs’ names (Keri Keri means “faster, faster” and is something
usually shouted at the end of a race) and asked myriad questions to try and
understand the farm workings, since her family, and indeed the entire village,
remains guarded and unsure about what actually happens on the dog farm. Her
dogged determination to try any task we threw at her was admirable and I
realized just how much I had missed interaction with female teenagers (like
those who had comprised my beloved HIV/sexual health advocacy group for four
years back at the Girl Scouts). Also, since I wasn’t technically training her,
I was able to relax and share info and stories instead of worrying about if I
was covering every bullet point on the exhaustive training checklist.

Another highlight was being able to celebrate my 32nd
birthday in this arctic fairyscape, which proved particularly crazy when I
realized that a year ago I was hoofing it up steep steps in the humid Peruvian jungle
on the way to Macchu Picchu. My birthday in Hetta was a particularly crap day
in terms of weather, from a rainy grey day that greeted us to a temperature
that hovered just above freezing so that everything turned muddy and gross
instead of being covered in a blanket of fresh snow. Not too bad all things
considered, but this is a husky farm and dogs need to be fed and pooped no
matter what, so everyone was vying for coveted jobs that would keep them inside
away from the abysmally cold and dreary weather. However, my Hetta Huskies
family was incredible and as a present they refused to let me do anything
outside, shouldering that burden themselves. I spent the day playing with
Eliel, checking out a local property for sale with Anna and her visiting
parents, going to the thrift store with them, attending Eliel’s playgroup and
was even treated to a reindeer burger at Café Silja. The work day capped off
with cake and beers at the farmhouse (baked by Manou and Bridget the night
before) and then once back at the guidehouse Steve and I cooked up a Mexican
feast for all with supplies from Ma & Pa McFail’s care package goods. We
decorated the dogs in my birthday streamers and hats, goofed around and
generally had a lovely, low-key evening.

A final birthday surprise also happened around the end of
October when I was Skyping with my parents at the tail end of a nasty cold/bout
of laryngitis and also having a tough time at work. Toward the end of our
conversation they teasingly mentioned that Steve and I had received a mystery
package with a New Zealand postmark; they asked if we wanted them to open it on
camera or wait until we were at home, so of course we jumped at the chance of
live present unwrapping across the miles. As it turns out, our beloved Joan,
the matriarch of the Irish family living in Barry’s Bay where we had our final
Kiwi Workaway, and who we still keep in contact with (and basically judge all
other Workaways by) had sent the package unbeknownst to us. As we watched my
parents unfurled a handmade card written to them, one to me and Steve and a set
of stunning tea towels with a Kiwi bird and a fantail, the latter of which might
rival my hummingbird obsession at this point. I instantly dissolved into tears
(I do that a lot lately) and both Steve and I were, needless to say, incredibly
touched and blown away by the thoughtfulness of the gesture. We’re constantly
reminded that the most meaningful parts of this trip center around the people
we’ve met along the way; we’re looking forward already to the point in time
when we can visit one of our favorite families again in their paradise by the

Steve: Take all
these loaded elements, plus the hundred others we didn’t touch on, roll them
into a neat little ball and put them aside. Let’s fast forward to our last day
at Hetta and talk about the number one reason we came to this husky farm—the
sled dogs. Through sheer fortune and some forward-thinking from Anna and Pasi
we were able to take the dogs on their first sled run of the season. Just
enough snow had fallen, Pasi had prepped the trails with his snowmobile and it
was now time to leave the quads up at the farmhouse. It was a nippy -17°C and
the sun was already making it’s 3:30 PM departure. We set up four teams with
lead guide Lorin in the front, followed by myself, Leah and the ever-so-lucky
Marika. I had Bino and Nomad in the lead position, Timur alone in team, and
the big-time brotherly duo of Yesper and Yasper in wheel; Leah had an efficient
all-ladies team led by Cherry and Diva, followed by Meggy, Mighty Mouse and
Minnie. After all teams were prepped, Pasi—who would lead and oversee us via
his snowmobile—brought us to an unprepped sleigh to give us quick instructions
on how to drive the sled…or better yet how to brake and hold on for dear life.
As he wrapped up his minute lesson—with dogs barking in frenetic
anticipation—Leah asked the question that was on all of our minds: ‘what are these
for?,’ referring to the handle-like devices with straps that were given to each
of us. In classic Pasi fashion he
responded “to climb your way out of the ice” and walked off. Ice picks to climb
out of the frozen lake if it gives way during our trek? Oh shit doesn’t quite capture the unspoken sentiment shared amongst
the group.

Before long we found ourselves entering uncharted territory
as Pasi guided us onto a new 5k loop that took us over frozen marshes and bogs
and eventually onto a frozen lake. Realization set in that we had the ice picks
for this very reason, however the dogs kept chugging and with little time to
think we were quickly back onto solid albeit slippery ground. I can honestly
say that I caught air at least two times and probably thought I was going to
tip over at least five but I still managed to relax a bit and I eventually started
to gain some confidence in myself, the dogs and the sled. At the halfway point
of this 5k journey Pasi had the teams stop to take a quick breather; some dogs ate
snow, others might have rolled around or simply caught their breaths. Us guides
on the other hand took stock of the indescribably picturesque landscape around
us—a darkening sky with a fiery pink horizon, reflected from below by an open
white expanse that was untouched save for the tracks made by the sleds and our
canine cohorts. With a moment to think it dawned on us that this is what
everything—the frustration, happiness, pooping, feeding, quad training, people
dynamics, biting cold, sore bodies, elk and horse carcasses, etc., etc., etc.—this
is what it all came down to. Teams of working dogs, happily and healthily in
their environment, doing what they were bred to do. As we continued on and hit
the gates of the farm my eyes welled up and tears, which froze instantly, ran down my cheeks. Adrenaline still coursing through my veins and my
hands stiff from my grip, I now knew that I was part of something special.

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