Budget Synopsis: Ecuador

Days in country: 29
Food: $236.25
Lodging: $74 (24/29 days were Couchsurfing/Workaway)
Transport: $128.20 (buses)
Other: $146.00 (entrance fees, boot repair, computer repair)           

Subtotal: $584.45- $60 earned for dare- $10 for selling books
TOTAL: $514.45= $17.74/day for 2 people

I was so excited when I saw the final numbers on Ecuador that Steve had to restrain me! Once again, amazing Couchsurfing and Workaway opportunities came through which allowed us to experience so much, yet live so cheaply. Despite having to pay for some unexpected things (boot repair, crashed computer), our daily average was incredibly below the guidebook budget of $20-25 a day per person.

NOTE: While I'm not including airfares between countries in our individual country budgets (it would drastically skew the numbers), we paid $730.00 for two tickets on TAME airlines to fly from Panama City, Panama to Guayaquil, Ecuador. 


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